Memory cache

This package provides an in-memory cache system for storing and retrieving data. It supports basic operations such as saving items, retrieving items, deleting items, and handling expiration.



The main structure for working with an in-memory cache.


  • items: A map that holds the cache items.
  • mu: A mutex to ensure thread-safety when accessing and modifying the cache items.


  • NewMemory(): Creates a new instance of Memory.
cache := NewMemory()
  • GetItem(key string) standards.CacheItem: Retrieves a cache item by its key. If the item doesn’t exist, it returns nil.
item := cache.GetItem("some-key")
  • GetItems(keys ...string) []standards.CacheItem: Retrieves multiple cache items by a list of keys.
items := cache.GetItems("key1", "key2")
  • HasItem(key string) bool: Checks if a cache item with the given key exists and is still valid.
exists := cache.HasItem("some-key")
  • Clear() error: Clears all items in the cache.
err := cache.Clear()
  • DeleteItem(key string) error: Deletes a cache item by its key.
err := cache.DeleteItem("some-key")
  • DeleteItems(keys ...string) error: Deletes multiple cache items by a list of keys.
err := cache.DeleteItems("key1", "key2")
  • Save(item standards.CacheItem) error: Saves a cache item.
err := cache.Save(item)
  • SaveDeferred(item standards.CacheItem) error: Saves a cache item (same as Save).
err := cache.SaveDeferred(item)
  • Commit() error: Not currently implemented, but it’s available for future operations.


A structure representing an individual cache item in the memory-based cache.


  • key: The cache item’s key.
  • value: The cache item’s value, which can be of any type (any).
  • expiration: The expiration time of the cache item.
  • hit: A flag indicating whether the item is valid and has been accessed.


  • GetKey(): Returns the key of the item.
    key := item.GetKey()
  • Get(): Returns the value of the item if it is still valid, otherwise nil.
    value := item.Get()
  • IsHit(): Checks if the item is still valid.
    isValid := item.IsHit()
  • Set(value any): Sets the value of the item and marks it as “hit”.
  • ExpiresAt(expiration time.Time): Sets the explicit expiration time for the item.
  • ExpiresAfter(t time.Duration): Sets the expiration time for the item to be after a specified duration.
    item.ExpiresAfter(10 * time.Minute)

Example Usage

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create a new in-memory cache instance
	c := cache.NewMemory()

	// Create a new cache item
	item := cache.NewMemoryItem("user123")
	item.Set("some data")
	item.ExpiresAfter(5 * time.Minute)

	// Save the item to cache
	err := c.Save(item)
	if err != nil {

	// Retrieve the item from cache
	loadedItem := c.GetItem("user123")
	if loadedItem != nil {
		fmt.Println("Loaded item:", loadedItem.Get())

	// Delete the item
	err = c.DeleteItem("user123")
	if err != nil {