File cache

This package provides a simple file-based cache system for storing and retrieving data from files in a specified directory. It supports basic operations such as saving items, retrieving items, deleting items, and handling expiration.



The main structure for working with the file-based cache.


  • Dir: The directory path where cache files will be stored.
  • Mu: A lock to ensure thread-safety when accessing the files.


  • NewFile(dir string): Creates a new instance of File and checks if the directory exists. If it doesn’t, it will create it.
cache, err := NewFile("/path/to/cache")
  • GetItem(key string) standards.CacheItem: Retrieves a cache item by its key. If the item doesn’t exist or has expired, it returns nil.
item := cache.GetItem("some-key")
  • GetItems(keys ...string) []standards.CacheItem: Retrieves multiple items by a list of keys.
items := cache.GetItems("key1", "key2")
  • HasItem(key string) bool: Checks if a cache item with the given key exists and is still valid.
exists := cache.HasItem("some-key")
  • Clear() error: Clears all items in the cache.
err := cache.Clear()
  • DeleteItem(key string) error: Deletes a cache item by its key.
err := cache.DeleteItem("some-key")
  • DeleteItems(keys ...string) error: Deletes multiple cache items by a list of keys.
err := cache.DeleteItems("key1", "key2")
  • Save(item standards.CacheItem) error: Saves a cache item.
err := cache.Save(item)
  • SaveDeferred(item standards.CacheItem) error: Saves a cache item (same as Save).
err := cache.SaveDeferred(item)
  • Commit() error: Not currently implemented, but it’s available for future operations.


A structure representing an individual cache item.


  • Key: The cache item’s key.
  • Value: The cache item’s value, which can be of any type (any).
  • Expiration: The expiration time of the cache item.


  • GetKey(): Returns the key of the item.
key := item.GetKey()
  • Get(): Returns the value of the item if it is still valid, otherwise nil.
value := item.Get()
  • IsHit(): Checks if the item is still valid.
isValid := item.IsHit()
  • Set(value any): Sets the value of the item.
  • ExpiresAt(expiration time.Time): Sets the explicit expiration time for the item.
  • ExpiresAfter(t time.Duration): Sets the expiration time for the item to be after a specified duration.
item.ExpiresAfter(10 * time.Minute)

Example Usage

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create a new cache instance
	c, err := cache.NewFile("/path/to/cache")
	if err != nil {

	// Create a new cache item
	item := cache.NewFileItem("user123")
	item.Set("some data")
	item.ExpiresAfter(5 * time.Minute)

	// Save the item to cache
	err = c.Save(item)
	if err != nil {

	// Retrieve the item from cache
	loadedItem := c.GetItem("user123")
	if loadedItem != nil {
		fmt.Println("Loaded item:", loadedItem.Get())

	// Delete the item
	err = c.DeleteItem("user123")
	if err != nil {


The main simplified structure for working with the file-based cache.


  • Dir: The directory path where cache files will be stored.
  • Mu: A lock to ensure thread-safety when accessing the files.
  • AllowDefaultNil: if true it will return nil for case when cache item not exists.


  • NewFileSimple(dir string) (*FileSimple, error): create FileSimple instance (allowDefaultNil false)
  • NewFileSimpleWithDefaultNil(dir string, allowDefaultNil bool) (*FileSimple, error): create FileSimple instance
  • Get(key string, defaultValue any) any: Returns a value from the cache.
  • GetMultiply(keys []string, defaultValue any) []any: Returns a list of cache items.
  • Has(key string) bool: Determines whether an item is present in the cache.
  • Clear() error: Deletes all cache’s keys.
  • Delete(key string) error: Remove an item from the cache.
  • DeleteMultiply(keys ...string) error: Removes multiple items in a single operation.
  • Set(key string, item any) error: Persists a cache item.
  • SetMultiply(values map[string]any, ttl time.Duration) error: Persists a cache items.